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Jaquaé Rubin

“Then we should watch him, just to see how far he can go.”

Photo NovelSolecism
Weight125 lbs.
Eye ColorBrown
Hair ColorBlack
Birth DateInapplicable
Birth PlaceUnknown
StatusExists and Nonexistent (simultaneously)
FamilyClarence Rubin II (Brother)
Love InterestsNone

Jaquaé Rubin appears in the series Solecism. She is a member of Mirage.


Jaquaé Rubin first appears in the first volume of Solecism III. 

When Jaquaé Rubin is first introduced, she is seen discussing with the rest of Mirage about their war on Honest, and about how to bring about the coming storm. Her opinion is that the team should encounter Cross.


Jaquaé possesses a mellow and somewhat cynical personality. Jaquaé practices a tough-love approach when around her brother Clarence, causing her to be stern yet loving towards him.

Jaquaé is a cool and intelligent individual, possessing vast knowledge. She is reticent; not one to open up to people easily and quite judgmental. Her distance from others keeps her level-headed. Jaquaé keeps her heart closed to people, even her own teammates, and remains introverted to stay focused on her goal.

Powers and Abilities

Jaquaé has the ability to psychically manipulate one's own pheromones as well as the pheromones of others for one's own purposes. With this ability, she could release pheromones that do everything from inducing attraction between subjects (or within a subject for oneself) to exuding amounts of pheromones strong enough to induce sleep, change emotions and draw in crowds.

Posted by Suggsverse