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Arvata Greethys

"When the night is darkest, a lion’s roar echoes the loudest. We persevere not because it is easy, but because it is right."

Photo NovelWebsite Exclusive
PhysiologyMaximal Lion
HeightImmeasurable by Human Comprehension
WeightImmeasurable by Human Comprehension
Eye ColorGold
Hair ColorDijon
AgeApophatic to Time
Birth DateInapplicable
Self-CreationThe Lion's Den
StatusBeyond Existence and Nonexistence
GenderMasculine Principle
Love InterestsNone

Arvata Greethys is a character that appears on www.heirtothestars.com.

Arvata embodies the very essence of justice. His commitment to righteous causes is unwavering, and he approaches every challenge with a steadfast determination. Loyalty runs through Arvata's veins. He is fiercely protective of his comrades in the Kriegslöwen and will go to any lengths to ensure their safety and success. This loyalty extends beyond mere companionship; it is a sacred bond that he honors with his life. While Arvata's initial reaction to the gods' cruelty was one of vengeful rage, he learned through his journey that true power lies in principled action. Though he can be driven by a desire for retribution, he never allows it to consume him entirely. Instead, he channels this energy into a constructive force for justice.

Despite his ferocious exterior, Arvata possesses a reflective and wise nature. His experiences have taught him the value of introspection and the importance of understanding one's own strengths and weaknesses. This wisdom often guides his actions, ensuring that his decisions are well-considered and just. Adversity only strengthens Arvata's resolve. Whether facing the overwhelming might of the Ehrima or grappling with personal challenges, he remains unyielding. This tenacity is a testament to his inner strength and his unshakeable belief in the righteousness of his cause.

The true reality/unreality of Arvata Greethys precedes an unmanifest is/is-not that actualizes a megacosm neither real nor unreal, beyond the world of forms.


Arvata Greethys hails from a realm far removed from our own, a world where the skies burn with a different hue and the land pulses with ancient magic. This feline warrior belongs to a venerable lineage of soldiers, each committed to the principles of justice and honor. His forebears fought not for power or wealth, but for righteous causes that upheld the sanctity of life and order. From his earliest days, Arvata was trained in the ways of his ancestors, honing his skills and fortifying his resolve to uphold these sacred values.

With claws as sharp as the finest blades, Arvata possesses the unique ability to tear through the very fabric of reality and illusion. This formidable power allows him to deliver swift and decisive justice against those who dare to perpetrate evil. Each strike is a testament to his commitment to a higher cause, a physical manifestation of his relentless pursuit of righteousness.

Upon discovering the existence of callous deities residing in the unmanifest expanse, indifferent to the suffering of mortals, Arvata's path took a pivotal turn. These Ehrima, with their apathy and cruelty, became the ultimate adversaries. Determined to challenge their reign, Arvata allied himself with the Kriegslöwen, a brotherhood of warriors united by a common cause: to wage war against the divine tyrants.

The initial campaign against the Ehrima was nothing short of cataclysmic. Despite their righteous fury and unwavering determination, the Kriegslöwen were overwhelmed by the Ehrima's boundless might. The defeat was a harsh revelation for Arvata. It underscored the futility of relying solely on righteous strength when confronting entities of such colossal power. This realization ignited a burning desire within him to seek an even greater, more destructive force capable of toppling the Ehrima.

Driven by rage and the sting of defeat, Arvata embarked on a quest to obtain the power necessary to destroy the Ehrima. He teetered on the brink of being consumed by vengeance, his heart darkened by the desire for retribution. It was at this critical juncture that a fellow Kriegslöwen, Mesmerism, extended a hand of salvation. Mesmerism's intervention was a turning point, reminding Arvata that true strength emanates from a lion's heart committed to justice, not vengeance.

The encounter with Mesmerism rekindled Arvata's spirit. He realized that his true calling was not in pursuing blind destruction but in embodying the principles of justice that had defined his lineage. With his heart fortified and his purpose clear, Arvata's Lion's Heart grew stronger than ever. Mesmerism's presence served as a beacon, drawing out the best in him and reinforcing his belief in his cause. Though Mesmerism sometimes questioned Arvata’s impetuous methods, his consistent success painted a path of victory.

With renewed vigor, Arvata and the Kriegslöwen prepared for a second assault on the Ehrima. The odds were still stacked heavily against them, yet their resolve was unshakable. Arvata led the charge with unbridled ferocity, his courage blazing like a wildfire. His relentless assault inspired his comrades, bolstering their determination to fight until the very end.

Despite the Ehrima's limitless might, the Kriegslöwen remained steadfast. Arvata fought tirelessly, driven by his commitment to his lion brethren. Each strike, each roar, echoed with the weight of his ancestors' legacy. Finally, when the last Ehrima fell, Arvata's body succumbed to the immense strain of the battle. Exhausted and battered, he collapsed, his mission fulfilled.


Sealed Information

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