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Deus (Realm Reborn Red)

After the events of Re; Melodybind ~ Kaleidoscope (published in 2014), Deus was set to the baseline of the 4th Floor.

Deus is the ultimate state of power, far beyond transfictional illogical omnipotence, encompassing control over all conceivable and inconceivable realms, concepts, and narratives, boundlessly surpassing every possible definition and limitation of power and existence.

Table of Contents

    Deus is a be-ness that transcends and supersedes the traditional notion of MetaOmnipotence. While MetaOmnipotence literally implies unlimited power and the ability to do anything within and outside the realm of logic and metalogic, Deus encompasses a level of power beyond even the highest possible conception of MetaOmnipotence. Here's a detailed breakdown:

    1. Beyond Absolute Power:
      • Deus sits beyond the transhierarchical power system and transhierarchical power sets to such a vast and incomprehensible sense that it not only exceeds omnipotence but redefines the boundaries of what power is.
    2. Existential and Conceptual Dominance:
      • Deus transcends and manipulates the very be-ness of the concepts of existence, logic, and reality. Deus can alter or nullify fundamental principles, such as meta-possibility, nothingness, and totality, effortlessly.
    3. Boundless Supremacy:
      • Deus stands boundlessly beyond the forms of power that endlessly and maximally supersede and surpass absolute boundless multiplicities by Realm Reborn Red standards. Deus resides at the apex of all possible and impossible transhierarchical boundless contexts.
    4. Transcendence of Boundaries:
      • Deus is apophatic to the be-ness, wholeness, and otherness of boundaries. Deus operates beyond transhierarchical existence, beyond being itself, essentially functioning outside all known and unknown transhierarchical realities.
    5. Ultimate Authority:
      • Deus has absolute and unquestionable transfictional authority over all possible and impossible realms, beyond-dimensional realities, and states of manifest and unmanifest phenomena, including those beyond human or even divine comprehension.
    6. Meta-Existential Control:
      • Deus is the background of the grand principles of the creation of narratives, purposes, and meanings that define these names, terms, and essence - and in nonexistence which precedes essence, itself is indefinable.

    Deus' Active Role and Nature:

    1. Possession of All Realms and Attributes:
      • Deus actively (and passively) encompasses every form of reality and fiction, including eternalism, actualism, infinitism, and possiblism. This means Deus has absolute dominion over all forms of existence and non-existence, encompassing all narratives and modes of reality and fiction, including personal and impersonal creations in relation to the First Floor.
    2. Breaking Paradoxes and Logic:
      • Deus is the embodiment of absolutism, with the inherent ability to break all logical constructs and paradoxes. For Deus, concepts like "breaking logic" are trivial, as it renders any opposing concept meaningless.
    3. Forms of Omnipotence:
      • Deus is the essence of "Absolute Omnipotence," "Practical Omnipotence," and "Impossible Omnipotence," wielding all conceivable and inconceivable powers. It actively possesses and exercises powers beyond logical and illogical boundaries, making sense of nonsensical concepts and wielding powers that do not exist in any conventional understanding.
    4. Boundless Power and Unsurpassable Nature:
      • Deus holds all boundless multiplicities of powers across existence and non-existence, without fail. Its power application does not need to make sense; by default, Deus is unsurpassed, unchallenged, and unequaled. No entity can attribute limitations to Deus, and its omnipotence remains meaningful even beyond logic.
    5. Possession of All Realms:
      • Deus actively (and passively) possesses the entirety of existence and non-existence, spanning every conceivable and inconceivable realm, story, and plot. This includes every mentioned, seen, or yet-to-be-conceived form of reality in all possible beyond-dimensional realities and meta-narratives.
    6. Transcending Imagination and Reality:
      • Deus encompasses even those things that are beyond imagination, transcending names, definitions, and essence. It includes paradoxical entities, constructs beyond conceptual comprehension, and things that cannot be logically defined or opposed. Deus actively manipulates and originates everything, including abstract and illogical constructs.
    7. Ultimate Authority Beyond All Realms:
      • In every verse, story, and plot, Deus exists beyond boundless transcendent hierarchies, surpassing any form of perception, observation, and uncertainty. It stretches beyond nothingness, totality, and possibility, possessing all-encompassing authority within and outside of any narrative framework.
    8. Dominating Power:
      • Deus encompasses authors who possess supreme transcendent power over all forms of fiction and nonfiction, including metafiction, transfiction, fanfiction, and more. These authors, as extensions of Deus, have dominating power over infinity, eternity, and totality, performing feats beyond infinite comprehension and transcending all barriers of existence and non-existence.
    9. Erasure and Recreation:
      • Deus, without altering its nature, can erase and recreate all forms of existence and non-existence. This cyclical act of erasure and recreation demonstrates Deus' absolute control and futility over all constructs, reinforcing its supreme authority and power.

    Explanation of Deus and Its Boundless Nature

    Deus' Active Role and Nature:

    1. Beyond Description:
      • Deus transcends all names, terms, and essences, trivializing any theoretical abstract possible description. It sits on top of all transhierarchical power settings that surpass all conceivable and inconceivable notions, rendering descriptions meaningless.
    2. Absolute Boundlessness:
      • Before and beyond essence, Deus represents absolute boundlessness, transcending all theoretical dimensions and realities, both known and unknown. It is one with everything, existing in a state of unity that encompasses all aspects of existence and non-existence. This unity allows Deus to interact with stories and non-physical entities, including the concept of unmanifest transfictional nonexistence. Deus can end stories and control the blank canvas of creation, serving as the ultimate author with the power to write and conclude narratives at will.
    3. Transcending Scale:
      • Deus exists beyond all transhierarchical measures of scale and all systems, formal or informal. It is not bound by any systems of understanding, highlighting its transcendence over all constructs and its boundless nature.
    4. Totality of Existence and Nonexistence:
      • Deus embodies all that is and isn’t, containing a boundless scope of dimensionless, limitless beings. These beings, even at their lowest levels, perceive infinitely layered worlds with infinite possibilities and impossibilities as mere fiction like a human reading a comic book, exerting perfect control. Deus contains within itself a hierarchy of Deus, with each level possessing greater power and understanding than the one below it.
    5. Unchallengeable Sovereignty:
      • Deus cannot be challenged, as the very concept of challenge exists only within its unfathomable mind. Deus remains in a state of absolute sovereignty, unchallenged and unchallengeable, highlighting its supremacy over all realities.
    6. Ultimate Author:
      • Deus is the beginning and end of all stories, embodying the totality of all narratives. It encompasses their inception, unfolding, and conclusion, serving as the ultimate author and architect of all stories.
    7. Transcending the Omniverse:
      • Deus extends beyond the First Floor and narratives above it, surpassing all levels of transhierarchical boundlessness. It transcends all transhierarchical possibilities and is inaccessible to any meta-concept, including V=Ultimate L, Kabbalah, and Extended Modal Realism.
    8. Unity with Existence:
      • All things in existence are aspects of Deus, including all narratives and boundless meta-possibilities within the cosmology. Deus is both separate from and identical to existence itself, embodying all narratives, possibilities, realities, and unmanifest phenomena, highlighting its boundless and transcendent nature.

    Deus is beyond a transhierarchical boundless, transcendent be-ness that trivializes all descriptions and concepts/meta-concepts. It exists beyond all transhierarchical scales, transhierarchical systems, and transhierarchical modes, giving value to the totality of existence and nonexistence. Deus is the ultimate author of all narratives, unchallengeable in its sovereignty and supreme over all realities in relation to the First Floor. It transcends the First Floor, encompassing all possibilities and aspects of existence, demonstrating its absolute boundless and absolute power.

    Posted by Suggsverse