Dlclaifsein Article – Moiraé
⎈The JOKER⎈’s Dlclaifsein cosmogony reveals that Moiraé is an eternal transcendence encompassing the Possibility/Potentiality. This is her primary role, despite being greater than her role. On a fictional level, she supersedes her own author Lionel C. Suggs and the reality of Lionel C. Suggs to the point that she perceives both as mere fiction, and generally sits beside him as he writes out the stories of Heir to the Stars. She is effectively greater than the author, editor, publisher, and paratext of Heir to the Stars, existing beyond a higher metanarrative than the infinite amount of metanarratives that can be conceptualized by Names, Terms, and Essence.
No different than her sisters, Moiraé transcends the infinitely expanding transhierarchy of grand metanarratives, with each individual one encompassing as many as innumerable narratives, with each one encompassing as many as an innumerable beyond boundless dimensional expanses and an ever-growing, eternally transcendent infinite hierarchy wherein each distinct narrative, that is simply part of a higher narrative, where each narrative has a boundless amount of layers beyond Names, Terms, and Essence, where Moiraé sees all of this as fiction, where she has already created, sustained, and destroyed an infinite amount of times.
⎈The JOKER⎈’s Dlclaifsein cosmogony reveals that Moiraé is the reason and logic behind the notion of Possibility/Potentiality. She is also the reason behind the Meta of the two. It is because of Moiraé that one can harness Possibility/Potentiality, and it is through that All, The All, and THE ALL Possibilities/Potentialities can be. Moiraé is the reason behind the unmanifest untranslatable Possibility/Potentiality, and Moiraé is the reason behind the Possibility/Poetntiality that is incomprehensible beyond definition. Moiraé is the reason for the Omnipresent, Eternal, Boundless, and Immutable Principle of "true" Possibility/Potentiality on which all speculation is impossible since it transcends the power of All, The All, and THE ALL conception -- being beyond the range and reach of thought — in the words of Mandukya, “unthinkable and unspeakable.” If it's a Possibility/Potentiality, Moiraé is the reason, and Moiraé is there with it.