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"To behold the cosmos is to understand the fleeting nature of all narratives. Yours is but a whisper in the eternal winds of creation."

Photo NovelWebsite Exclusive
PhysiologyHomo Excelsis
HeightApophatic to Dimensions
WeightApophatic to Dimensions
Eye ColorBlue and Silver
Hair ColorBlack
Birth DateUnknown
Birth Place?
GenderFeminine Principle
Love InterestsAeon

Endarion is a character that appears on www.heirtothestars.com.

Endarion, known as the "Nebula Sovereign," is a be-ness whose existence transcends the conventional boundaries of time, space, and narrative. Her persona is marked by an aura of profound serenity mixed with an almighty presence, making her one of the most formidable and majestic beings in the Aesarthim saga.

Endarion exudes a calm composure that belies the immense power she wields. Her serenity is rooted in her absolute command over reality, giving her a demeanor that is both reassuring and awe-inspiring. She possesses a deep philosophical insight into the nature of reality and existence. Endarion often engages in reflective discourse, pondering the intricacies of the cosmos and the role of lesser beings within it. Her thoughts are profound, pushing the boundaries of cosmic understanding. Endarion remains detached from the day-to-day affairs of the mortal and immortal realms, intervening only when the balance of cosmic scales is threatened. Her motives are enigmatic, often wrapped in layers of cosmic logic that are difficult for others to comprehend. She holds knowledge that spans across infinite realities, allowing her to see and understand the threads of fate and causality as they weave through the tapestry of the world. This wisdom informs her actions, which are always aligned with maintaining or restoring cosmic balance.

During their encounters, Endarion's attraction manifests as a heightened attention to Aeon's presence and actions. While she maintains her enigmatic and aloof demeanor, there is a softness in her voice, a gentleness in her formidable powers when directed towards him. She challenges him not merely to confront him but to encourage his growth and understanding of the world, hoping to elevate him closer to her level of be-ness.


See Suggscript of Aesarthim.

See Hidden Chapter: "The Ascendance of Endarion"

Cat's Eye Lullaby

Endarion utilizes Cat's Eye Lullaby to combat opposition.

Endarion wields "Nebula suggslogic," a form of power that allows her to manipulate the narratives of infinite reality and fiction distinctions simultaneously.

1. Cosmic Reweave:

Endarion can unravel and reweave the fabric of reality, void, and illusion around her opponents. This move allows her to alter the outcomes of their actions, effectively changing what happens as it occurs. For instance, if an opponent strikes at her, she might reweave that reality so the strike never occurred, or even reverse it so that the opponent hits themselves instead.

2. Transcendental Mirage:

This ability allows Endarion to create complex illusions that are indistinguishable from reality, trapping her opponents in a fabricated world tailored to absolute negation. These mirages are not simple visual tricks but are fully functional manifest phenomena where the laws of suggslogic are dictated by Endarion.

3. Suggslogic Entwine:

Endarion taps into the very threads of suggslogic, manipulating the unmanifest phenomena of those she battles. With this move, she can lock an opponent into a particular narrative, such as endless defeat, recursion, or endless negation where they experience their failure repeatedly.

Posted by Suggsverse