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Narcissa Amaia

“That’s incorrect. They are under Honest. They are the eyes and ears of Honest.”

Photo NovelSolecism
Weight115 lbs.
Eye ColorBrown
Hair ColorBlack
Birth DateInapplicable
Birth PlaceUnknown
StatusExists and Nonexistent (simultaneously)
Love InterestsNone

Narcissa Amaia appears in the series Solecism. She is a member of Mirage.


Narcissa Amaia first appears in the first volume of Solecism III. 

When Narcissa Amaia is first introduced, she is seen discussing with the rest of Mirage about their war on Honest, and about how to bring about the coming storm. Narcissa then explained that Coup de grâce was the current problem, not Honest.


A master of combat, Amaia is stoic to a fault and merciless. She has no code of ethics or honor. She is also rather arrogant, claiming to win all of her battles. This cocky behavior derives from her compassion, however.

As noted, she is stoic to a fault. She displays a calm exterior when she is fighting, being intelligent enough as to not underestimate her enemies. She always attacks with the same level of strategy as her opponent, always thinking of what the opponent might plan next.

Powers and Abilities

Her abilities have not been revealed yet.

Posted by Suggsverse