Quantum is the branch of physics that explains the behavior of matter and its interactions with energy on the scale of atoms and subatomic particles. Those that operate on a Quantum level can utilize infinite power to control the basic workings of the universe.
Those that operate on a Quantum level can control, generate, annihilate and form matter and energy on the minimum of scales, control forces that do not exist in the standard world, control chance on a quantum level, alter the workings of an assortment of laws of physics to compel objects and organisms to act upon, travel to different realms, and control the strings that make up the fabric of reality and infinite subatomic possibilities.
Quantum Manipulation is the power to control quantum physics and particles, such as quarks (every quark effectively contains a full Universe within itself) or strings. One who controls this essentially holds control over Quantum Mechanics, a branch of physics that explains the behavior of matter and its interactions with energy on the scale of atoms and subatomic particles.
Possible Uses
- Energy Manipulation: One who has control over The Quantum Field can manipulate the energies that exist within the particles such as quarks.
- Matter Manipulation: Quantum Manipulation can allow a user to directly control the atomic structure of a living thing as Quantum Physics include building blocks smaller than atoms
- Portal Creation: The user can enter parallel universes or bubble universes, multiverses, and alternate realities.
- Physics Manipulation: Quantum Physics is merely another facet of physics and being able to control Quantum Physics means one can absolutely manipulate physics and the way science worlds on a smaller and cosmic scale