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Tesskuyomi Dragonmaid

"Alchemy is not merely about transmuting substances; it is the art of sculpting reality itself."

Photo NovelWebsite Exclusive
PhysiologyBlack Tenet
HeightImmeasurable by Human Comprehension
WeightImmeasurable by Human Comprehension
Eye ColorRed
Hair ColorBlack
Birth DateInapplicable
Birth PlaceInapplicable
StatusBeyond Existence and Nonexistence
GenderFeminine Principle
Love InterestsNone

Tesskuyomi Dragonmaid is a character that appears on www.heirtothestars.com.

Tesskuyomi Dragonmaid epitomizes the archetype of the brilliant yet enigmatic scholar, her mind a labyrinth of boundless curiosity and relentless ambition. Possessing a keen intellect and insatiable thirst for knowledge, she is driven by a relentless pursuit of truth, delving into the arcane mysteries of the cosmos with unwavering determination.

Despite her formidable intellect, Tesskuyomi is not without her complexities. Beneath her cool exterior lies akin to something of a passionate soul, driven by a profound sense of purpose and an unyielding desire to leave her mark upon the annals of history. Her allegiance to the Sinngeist, though shrouded in mystery, speaks to her willingness to explore the fringes of societal norms in pursuit of her goals.

In her interactions, Tesskuyomi exudes an aura of quiet confidence and inner strength, her words measured and deliberate. Yet, there is a hint of vulnerability beneath her stoic facade, a reminder of the human frailty that lies beneath the veneer of intellect and power.


Tesskuyomi Dragonmaid, a figure shrouded in mystery and enigma, emerges from the annals of Worldwalker Rewoven as a cataphysician and explorer of the arcane. Her journey through the labyrinthine corridors of knowledge led her to the precipice of discovery, where the boundaries between the tangible and the ethereal blurred into obscurity.

Within the hallowed halls of the Adularia magical research Lab, Tesskuyomi Dragonmaid sought to unravel the secrets of the cosmos, delving into the esoteric realms of otherworldly technologies. Her aspirations, lofty and boundless, danced upon the precipice of understanding, beckoning her ever closer to the elusive truths that lay beyond mortal comprehension.

Yet, fate's capricious hand intervened, snatching Tesskuyomi from the embrace of academia and thrusting her into the shadowy embrace of the Sinngeist, a band of outlaws whose exploits echoed through the corridors of every narrative string. The circumstances of her departure remain veiled in mystery, a tapestry woven from threads of intrigue and speculation.

Aligned with the Sinngeist, Tesskuyomi's ingenuity became the lifeblood of the group, her inventions breathing fire into their ambitions and aspirations. It is whispered among the whispered echoes of Suggsverse that she shared a clandestine connection with the band's enigmatic leader, a bond forged in the crucible of shared purpose and clandestine endeavors.

Amidst the tumultuous landscape of conflict and chaos, Tesskuyomi's creations became the stuff of legend, whispered in hushed tones by those who dared to tread the path of rebellion. The void-stealing sword, a weapon of unparalleled power and malevolence, bore the mark of her genius, its blade a reflection of her boundless intellect and insatiable curiosity.

But Tesskuyomi's thirst for knowledge knew no bounds, and she delved ever deeper into the mysteries of alchemy and invention. With each experiment, she wove the fabric of her being ever closer to the arcane forces she sought to harness, incorporating lost alchemy into her very essence with reckless abandon.


Tesskuyomi Dragonmaid utilizes Suggsphysics to command the "Ruby Blackness" of Black Ontology.

Ruby Blackness - Ripple: Tesskuyomi generates an equation that swallows the canvas upon which all stories are unfolded, removing the transfictional narrative of the target, reducing the target into less than the idea of a state smaller than nothing which is not negative.

Ruby Blackness - Flow: Tesskuyomi generates an equation that is cataphysically unrealizable, which creates a boundless expanse of silence, swallowing the target, and removing the distinctions and divisions of the target and the expanse.

Ruby Blackness - Drown: Tesskuyomi generates an equation essentially so indescribable that saying "it's indescribable" cannot describe it. This equation captures the Transhierarchical actuality of the transfictional narrative target, negating it on a level that cannot be captured by the descending ladder of nothingness.

Posted by Suggsverse