Dlclaifsein Article – Atoms
- In Heir to Stars, atoms are made of more atoms....infinitely deep in possibility and actuality, meaning that every atom is infinite and every distance is infinite.
Matter and Objects are mostly empty since the space between atoms is so immense.
The fact matter and objects exist is paradoxical because of the cosmos. The existence of matter and objects insinuate an origin and the origin is Deus. Everything requires an origin otherwise nothing would ever be and time wouldn't flow. Therefore, the Universe needs an origin, which would mean it had to have been created at one point in time, even if it is eternal, there would've had to have been something to start its eternal existence, then that would mean before the universe and before it was created by unknown means there was pure and absolute nothingness, which is then true but also false. This is the Nothingness Cosmological Paradox. So matter and objects do and do not exist and we are pure paradoxical beings. Life is meaningless and the only explanation as to how matter and objects could exist is Deus.
Everything has a foundation to exist such as matter which is made from atoms. Everything has to be made of something to exist which means there are building blocks to absolutely everything including atoms, and atoms will be made from subatomic particles, and those subatomic particles are made from something smaller, etc infinitely deep. This means that literally "1" atom is infinitely large and micro-cosmic and infinitely boundless in size, so whenever one moves, they are crossing the greatest context of an infinity of infinite distances through atoms.
- Also, atoms are an infinity that contains more infinite (hierarchies of) atoms, which means that we cross infinity x infinity x infinity and so on... (boundlessly) everytime we walk.
Everyone in the world is made up of nothingness. All truths point to this. In fact, everyone currently on this planet, all 7.9 billion of us could all fit into the room that I am in right now. The entirety of all species on this planet could all be compressed into a solid cube with the equivalent size of a sugar cube – all because we are made up of nothingness. What we perceive as solid objects like desks, chairs, cars, and even ourselves, is actually just a big conglomeration of tiny particles separated by what is practically infinite nothingness. This red truth has everything to do with atoms. Anything that has a mass and occupies a given amount of volume is rudimentarily defined as matter. Everything around us is made up of matter, even further, everything around us is matter made up of atoms. Atoms make up everything, but they also exist very, very far apart – and atoms themselves are more void than they are matter.
Eternal Film
Think of a Metaverse that is comprised of infinite layers or "film frames", each of which contains an infinite number of Universes that are themselves infinitely larger than those found on the frame prior. An entire Universe in one film frame can be contained within a single atom on the next film frame above, with this same process having an infinite Metaverse which is itself contained within an atom of the next film frame, and so on...
- There is no quantifiable beginning or logical end to the Film Frame strip.