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"In silence, one finds the echoes of the cosmos. To listen to the silence is to understand the symphony of existence, each note a fragment of the eternal truth."

Photo NovelWebsite Exclusive
PhysiologyBlack Tenet
HeightImmeasurable by Human Comprehension
WeightImmeasurable by Human Comprehension
Eye ColorRed
Hair ColorShaved
Birth DateInapplicable
Birth PlaceInapplicable
StatusBeyond Existence and Nonexistence
GenderMasculine Principle
Love InterestsNone

Rastaban is a character that appears on www.heirtothestars.com.

Rastaban is an arcane swordsman of unparalleled wisdom and power, a character who embodies the eternal struggle between understanding and transcending reality. His presence within any narrative elevates it to new heights of philosophical and existential exploration, challenging both characters and readers to question the nature of existence itself.

Rastaban embodies a paradoxical blend of serenity and intensity, forged through his unique journey across the realms of existence and nonexistence. His experiences have shaped him into a character of profound wisdom, yet he carries an undercurrent of fierce determination.

  • Philosophical and Reflective: Rastaban possesses a deep, almost mystical understanding of reality, born from his ability to perceive beyond the illusion of time and change. He often reflects on the nature of existence, the illusion of sequence, and the true essence of eternity. This introspective nature makes him a philosopher at heart, always seeking to unravel the deeper truths of the cosmos.
  • Stoic and Unyielding: Having faced and conquered the Deus, Rastaban exudes a calm, stoic demeanor. He is unperturbed by the chaos of the concept of dimension, his mind is always focused on the grand tapestry of existence. This unyielding nature extends to his resolve; once he sets his mind on a goal, he pursues it with an unwavering tenacity that can shake the foundations of reality itself.
  • Compassionate Yet Detached: While Rastaban's perspective allows him to see the interconnectedness of all things, it also gives him a certain detachment. He understands the suffering of lesser beings but views it through the lens of an eternal, unchanging reality. This state makes his actions compassionate but emotionally distant, as he perceives suffering and joy as transient illusions.
  • Mysterious and Enigmatic: Rastaban's origin from an erased Omniverse and his transcendence beyond the void give him an air of mystery. He rarely speaks of his past or the true extent of his abilities, preferring to remain an enigmatic figure whose presence alone commands respect and curiosity.


Rastaban hails from an Omniverse that has been erased from existence, a realm where the concept of time—past, present, and future—is an illusion perpetuated by the limited perception of lesser beings. In this Omniverse, change is nonexistent; everything that has ever happened and ever will happen exists simultaneously. The higher beings, or Deus, are eternal and unchanging, embodying the true essence of reality which is incomprehensible to lower-dimensional entities.

Despite these seemingly insurmountable odds, Rastaban emerged as a force capable of defying the very fabric of this omnipotent reality. Wielding an arcane blade of unparalleled power, he superseded the countless Deus, transcending their eternal stasis. As the Omniverse reached its end, Rastaban ascended beyond the void that lies beyond existence itself, reaching the cosmic hierarchy known as the Heir to the Stars.


Rastaban utilizes Suggsphysics to command the "Ouroburos Unchained" of Black Ontology.

Ouroburos Unchained: Rastaban uses a sweeping sword attack that burns the area around an enemy on a transfictional negative energy in the personal, impersonal, and transpersonal space surrounding and encompassing the target, with a downwards slash to follow up the sweep that endlessly negates the modes and attributes of the transfictional narrative target.

Ouroburos Unchained II: Ballista generates straps of magic formations around his katana, appearing like the DNA helix, while his katana gains an ineffable level of sharpness apophatic to existence. A slashing attack is utilized from this that leads into a raging string of thrusts, striking and engulfing a boundless expanse of stillness that completely and endlessly removes the be-ness and wholeness of the transfictional narrative target.

Ouroburos Unchained III: Ballista erects a series of endless hexagonal layers around his katana that reflects a boundless expanse of the void beyond that endlessly counters and retroactively denies the absolute boundless multiplicity transcendental hierarchy of the boundless layers of the Transhierarchical actuality of the transfictional narrative target.

Posted by Suggsverse