The Resistance Factor
The Resistance Factor is made up of the Counter Dynamis, Anti-Will, and the Outer Argument. The Resistance Factor is the answer to why things happen in Heir to the Stars that defy so many forms of logic and metalogic.
The Resistance Factor encompasses all layers of Pataphysics, Realm Reborn Red, Semplersworn Exclrhythm, Thornmarch Judicium, Verseology, Aheimopulus, Dijehphysics, Theaphysics, and Xenedraphysics.
The Resistance Factor encompasses the Descending Ladder of Nothingness, from Nonexistence to Paradisus Paradoxum.
The Resistance Factor encompasses everything from the First Floor to ACE to Machina.
The Resistance Factor is the continuous counter to Act and Will, to potentiality and actuality, to agency itself. They exist to constantly create a Cosmic Otherness effect that permeates throughout the Cosmic Ensemble. The very effect of the Resistance Factor is an Infinitum/Continual/Incessant/Unending/Interminable/Indefinite/Infinite/Neverending/Everlasting/Perpetual/Incessant/Endless Transcendence. Their very effect is a state of constant and never-ending transcendence, transcending the structure of the state of being to completely deny its possibility and actuality. It doesn’t matter its existence, nature, capability, ability, etc., to the largest cardinality, to the absolute infinite multiplicity… their effect is absolutely active. It doesn’t matter if the character or ultimate ensemble has no limit or restriction to their potential, the effect of the Resistance Factor is continuously transcending possibility and actuality, regardless of the concepts and/or the various levels of reality endlessly. To the Resistance Factor, everything from the laws, principles, or rules that make up any reality is less than the nonexistence that it encompasses, as all degrees of fiction and all transcendent meta-concepts as meaningless to them.
The Resistance Factor “Effect”
The Effect has already transcended all things in existence and nonexistence, existing beyond absolutely All, The All, and THE ALL, being completely unrivaled - unmatched by the possibility, totality, and nothingness of all existence and nonexistence and beyond beyondness generating a constant effect that denies agency.
Denial 0.
The effect of the Resistance Factor is absolutely unpredictable retrocausality acausality effect, which means that it constantly warps, changes, and collapses the results of things such as reality, context, normalcy, meta-probabilities, and metavariables. The very effect is an unpredictable nature that renders others' actions useless.
Denial 1.
The effect of the Resistance Factor is constantly multiplying all conceptual defenses and resistances by a factor of 0.
Denial 2.
The effect of the Resistance Factor constantly makes it that all wave functions have already collapsed, and thus existence will continue to deny the validity of all wave functions that have already been collapsed.
Denial 3.
The effect of the Resistance Factor target’s the enemy's very existence in an attempt to deny it. Concepts like durability, resistance, evasion, etc. do not exist to the effect of the Resistance Factor.
Denial 4.
The effect of the Resistance Factor denies what is real in the world, which is the target engaged in action. What is real becomes a theoretical impossibility to reality, and reality itself denies the target to correct the imbalance or denies itself because of the impossibility.
Denial 5.
The effect of the Resistance Factor encompasses:
- all of Fiction
- all of Nonfiction
- all of Transfiction
- all of Fanfiction
- all of Metafiction
- all of Patafiction
- all of Interfiction
- all of Personal Fiction
- all of Impersonal Fiction
- all of Incompatibilism Fiction
- all of Impossible Fiction
- all of Speculative Fiction
- all of Xenofiction
- all Universal Genres
- all Universal Tropes
- all of Paratexts
- all of Memetic Fiction
- all of Transformation Fiction
- all of a priori and a posteriori Fiction
Denial 6.
The effect of the Resistance Factor ignores and encompasses:
- Nonfictional Omnipotence
- Transfictional Omnipotence
- Fanfictional Omnipotence
- Metafictional Omnipotence
- Patafictional Omnipotence
- Interfictional Omnipotence
- Personal fictional Omnipotence
- Impersonal fictional Omnipotence
Denial 7.
Actualism is a position on the ontological status of possible worlds that holds that everything that exists (i.e., everything there is) is actual. The domain of unrestricted quantification ranges over All, The All, and THE ALL and actual existents.
The effect of the Resistance Factor ignores and denies actualism and possibilism, even entities that are merely possible: these entities exist (in the same way that ordinary objects around us do) but are not to be found in the actual world.
Denial 8.
The effect of the Resistance Factor rejects unobservables and makes it that even unobservables fall within its influence and are subject to its instant denial.
Logical Unobservables: This involves contradictions.
Practical Unobservables: which we can conceive of as observable by the known sense-faculties but we are prevented from observing by practical difficulties.
Physical Unobservables: that which can never be observed by any existing sense-faculties of Deus.
The Resistance Factor was discovered by “Cataphysician” Lionel L Sierra.
She discovered that this was an effect that was in constant play and that only through using Suggslogic were inhabitants able to resist or overcome it. However, she theorized that either the worlds have Suggslogic too or that there was a fundamental source that was lessening the effect of the Resistance Factor that is in play.