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"Your efforts, while noble, skim only the surface of the cosmic depth. Dive deeper, and see what truths lie beneath the ephemeral."

Photo NovelWebsite Exclusive
PhysiologyHomo Excelsis
HeightApophatic to Dimensions
WeightApophatic to Dimensions
Eye ColorAmber
Hair ColorBlack
Birth DateUnknown
Birth Place?
GenderMasculine Principle
Love InterestsNone

Threnodius is a character that appears on www.heirtothestars.com.

Threnodius, known as the "Fanatical Void King," embodies the complexities of an entity that exists beyond traditional concepts of power and morality. His presence in the cosmos is less about dominion and more about the orchestration of reality's layers, viewing them as components in an intricate, ongoing experiment in creation and possibility.

Threnodius approaches his interactions with a deep philosophical insight, often pondering and discussing the nature of reality and existence. He sees the cosmos not merely as a playground of forces but as a grand canvas for existential exploration and narrative crafting. His demeanor is one of calm certainty and imperturbable composure, rooted in an omniscient perspective of the verse. Threnodius's understanding of reality's fabric allows him to remain detached from transient emotions and conflicts, focusing instead on the broader implications of his actions. While he wields immense power, Threnodius chooses to use his abilities to teach or enlighten rather than simply dominate. He manipulates not only the physical realm but also the perceptions and understandings of those around him, guiding them towards greater self-awareness and cosmic comprehension.


See Suggscript of Aesarthim.

Hidden Chapter: "The Lament of Threnodius"

Cat's Eye Lullaby

Threnodius utilizes Cat's Eye Lullaby and Paradisus Paradoxum to combat opposition.

1. Void Genesis Negation

Threnodius summons a sphere of pure void negation that seeks to envelop his opponent. This sphere is an absolute negation field—anything it touches is reduced to Paradisus Paradoxum, not just pataphysically but also from the narrative of reality itself. This move goes beyond simple destruction by ensuring that any concepts, powers, or resistances his opponents might employ are negated before they can take effect.

2. Infinite Void Echoes

Threnodius creates an echo of the void that resonates across all layers of existence simultaneously. This echo fragments the reality around his opponents, causing their actions to become disjointed across different existential layers. Each action and decision they make echoes infinitely, diluting their effectiveness and presence in any single reality.

3. Null Singularity

Threnodius channels the void to form a singularity point of negation that he can place anywhere within his vicinity. This singularity acts as a black hole for any form of energy or existence—magical, physical, or conceptual. When activated, it pulls in and annihilates all forms of energy and existence, turning them into 'Paradisus Paradoxum.'

4. Paradox Void Integration

Threnodius integrates himself with Paradisus Paradoxum, becoming a part of it. In this state, he becomes Paradisus Paradoxum yet omnipresent, able to manifest any part of himself anywhere within any unmanifest void. This move allows him to attack from multiple angles simultaneously or from nowhere at all, and also to avoid attacks by ceasing to exist in any recognizable form, phenomena, or be-ness.

Posted by Suggsverse