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Karla Lopez

“Well, you are the leader. I guess my opinion was simply in the wrong. I figured that if you cut off the head of the king, you’d win the war.”

Photo NovelSolecism
Weight118 lbs.
Eye ColorBrown
Hair ColorBlack
Birth DateInapplicable
Birth PlaceUnknown
StatusExists and Nonexistent (simultaneously)
Love InterestsNone

Karla Lopez appears in the series Solecism. She is a member of Mirage.


Karla Lopez first appears in the first volume of Solecism III. 

When Karla Lopez is first introduced, she is seen discussing with the rest of Mirage about their war on Honest, and about how to bring about the coming storm. Karla believes that their main focus should be on Honest.


Karla's personality and philosophy differ greatly from the other members of her group. Karla is ruthless and places no value in honor, preferring to win by any means necessary. She places little value on the lives of others, even those of her own group, viewing them as little more than pawns. While she holds little respect for them, she does value them as teammates, even if they are pawns.

Karla is calm and intelligent enough to understand the workings of the world in which she lives, unfazed by the infinite illusions placed upon society.

Powers and Abilities

Karla Lopez is the most powerful member of the group Mirage. Her abilities exceed the parameters of what any of the members could possibly touch.

Synchronization: Karla is able to "synchronize" with the 'frequency' of ‘change’ in the universal phenomenon. Because time did not exist to Karla, there was no measurable difference between synchronized times (time dilation / special relativity) from multiple quantum frames.

Ah, Ekató Oculus: Karla possesses 100 eyes, although only 2 are visible. Each eye possesses a unique ability, and although they exist, at the same time they do not exist within the pataphysical plane. Each eye has control over a Universal Truth and a Metaphysical Concept. Through her power, she can collapse each concept and truth that a target was linked to. When she opens up all of her eyes (something that is forbidden), she unleashes a collapse of all possibilities and actualities that a target could link itself to, unfolding the target into a state of non-being.

Posted by Suggsverse