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"In the dance of blades, there is no room for hesitation."

Photo NovelWebsite Exclusive
PhysiologyBlack Tenet
HeightImmeasurable by Human Comprehension
WeightImmeasurable by Human Comprehension
Eye ColorRed
Hair ColorBlack
Birth DateInapplicable
Birth PlaceInapplicable
StatusBeyond Existence and Nonexistence
GenderFeminine Principle
Love InterestsNone

Ametistiverna is a character that appears on www.heirtothestars.com.

Ametistiverna embodies the quintessential traits of a stoic and formidable warrior. She exudes an aura of unyielding determination and unwavering resolve, coupled with a deep sense of honor and duty. Despite her enigmatic origins and otherworldly abilities, she remains grounded in her principles, holding steadfast to her beliefs even in the face of overwhelming odds. Beneath her stoic exterior lies a fiery spirit, fueled by an insatiable thirst for challenge and a relentless pursuit of perfection in the art of combat. While she may appear aloof and solitary at times, her actions speak volumes, echoing her commitment to justice and her unwavering loyalty to those she deems worthy. Ametistiverna's presence commands respect and admiration, inspiring awe and fear in equal measure among allies and adversaries alike.


In the annals of Worldwalker Rewoven, amidst the shattered remnants of the once-mighty Constellura Empire, there emerges the enigmatic figure of Ametistiverna, a woman of unworldly origin and unparalleled skill in the art of the samurai. Her tale, shrouded in the mists of legend and whispered in hushed tones among the denizens of the cosmos, is one of both awe-inspiring prowess and haunting mystery.

Ametistiverna's katana, a blade of unparalleled craftsmanship, stands as a testament to her exceptional abilities. Unlike any other sword in existence, its edge possesses a supernatural sharpness that rends through reality itself, erasing all traces of those unfortunate enough to cross its path from the fabric of existence. The mere mention of her name strikes fear into the hearts of Deus and Paracletes alike, for she is a warrior whose mettle is as unyielding as her blade.

Renowned for her refusal to bow before any authority save her own, Ametistiverna's legend grew with each duel she faced. Tales of her battles spread far and wide across Worldwalker Rewoven, drawing challengers from every corner of existence eager to test their skill against hers. With each clash, her katana's true power awakened, thirsting for the very essence of ontological concepts and driving her ever closer to the brink of transcendence.

In the heat of combat, Ametistiverna's prowess knew no bounds. It is said that even in the face of certain death, she stood undaunted, her blade moving with preternatural precision to strike down foes of cosmic magnitude in a single, decisive blow. Her defiance in the face of oblivion, and her unwavering resolve, became the stuff of legend, inspiring awe and fear in equal measure.

Yet, even death could not claim Ametistiverna for long. Reborn through the power of her suggslogical blade, she emerged from the void beyond, her spirit rekindled and her resolve unbroken. With each passing moment, she grew stronger, melding her essence with that of her weapon until they became one, a force of nature capable of toppling even the mightiest of the Heir to the Stars' cosmic hierarchy.


Ametistiverna utilizes Suggsphysics to command the "Dancing Blackness" of Black Ontology.

Dancing Blackness - Low Umbra: Ametistiverna slices through the boundless expanse of the void beyond, endlessly countering and retroactively denying the absolute boundless multiplicity transcendental hierarchy of the boundless layers of the Transhierarchical actuality of the transfictional narrative target.

Dancing Blackness - High Umbra: Ametistiverna slices through the primal, unmanifest void of absolute nothingness, which serves as the foundation of both existence and nonexistence. Its inhabitants perceive existence and nonexistence as two sides of the same coin, witnessing them as equal components of a linear narrative viewed from an external perspective. They exist in an unattainable realm of pure silence, transcending all language and conceptualizations. Ametistiverna slices through all of the aforementioned on a transfictional scale in a single slash, negating all.

Dancing Blackness - Deep Umbra: Ametistiverna's blade cuts through the veil of nonexistence, the void that encircles existence itself. Eventually, it will encompass all, for all things will eventually cease to be. This stands as one of the fundamental truths of existence, delineating what lies beyond the realm of being. It is often depicted as the shadow of nothingness extending boundlessly beyond. This realm represents what does not exist, what has never existed, and what will never come to pass. Every aspect of creation inexorably moves towards it, destined to transition into the realm of non-being on a transfictional level, boundless folds over.

Posted by Suggsverse