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Rank is the relative position in the hierarchy that applies to the categories of Power in Tier 8.

Because Tiers don't exist beyond Tier 8 (despite the name), ranking is very important in Heir to the Stars. If you pay attention to the wording of things, you'd see that Tier 7 is the bottom of the Limits of Power, hence the reasoning why the Cannon Fodder is stationed there. The Limits of Power is the measuring stick beyond Tier 8, but within Tier 8, this is where the Tier hierarchy truly exists and has any relevance.

In application to Names, Terms, and Essence - and in essence, that which is unknowable, the Hierarchy of Power (or Tier List) is completely trivialized by Omnipotence. Once stepping beyond Omnipotence, which will always remain out of reach to any meta-conceptualization, outside of language, categories, and identity, a different type of Tier list is put in place for Beyondness, given that (Middle - Lowend) is completely unreachable and beyond meta-conception.

From the bottom to the top, this is the Heirarchy of Power:

Posted by Suggsverse