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Ceritas Sinnsaid Piercetrail

"In solitude, I have found clarity. The quiet moments reveal the truths that the clamor of the battlefield often conceals."

Photo NovelWebsite Exclusive
PhysiologyMaximal Lion / Ninelie Hybrid
HeightImmeasurable by Human Comprehension
WeightImmeasurable by Human Comprehension
Eye ColorGray
Hair ColorBlack
AgeApophatic to Time
Birth DateInapplicable
Self-CreationThe Lion's Den
StatusBeyond Existence and Nonexistence
GenderMasculine Principle
Love InterestsNone

Ceritas Sinnsaid Piercetrail is a character that appears on www.heirtothestars.com.

Ceritas Sinnsaid Piercetrail is a complex and multi-dimensional character whose journey from a timid child to a formidable warrior is marked by resilience, emotional depth, strategic brilliance, and an unwavering sense of honor and loyalty. His personality reflects a balance of strength and compassion, driven by a deep emotional connection and a relentless pursuit of growth and self-improvement.


Ceritas Sinnsaid Piercetrail is a formidable fighter originating from the Republic of Rudiarius, known for producing some of the most skilled warriors in the world. His journey began at the tender age of 12 when he arrived at the gates of Aetherfrost, a renowned training facility within the Lion's Den. This institution is famous for its rigorous training programs designed to mold the best fighters, a testament to its harsh and demanding environment.

Ceritas was initially a timid child, struggling with the lack of approval from his peers. His father, recognizing his son's potential but also his need for toughening up, decided to send him to Aetherfrost. The early days were grueling for Ceritas, who often found himself on the verge of tears due to the intense training regimen. However, it was during these challenging times that he found solace in his friendship with a fellow trainee, Agledandia. Over time, this friendship blossomed into romantic feelings, providing Ceritas with emotional support and a sense of purpose.

Agledandia eventually left Aetherfrost in search of her parents, leaving a significant void in Ceritas's life. This departure became a pivotal moment for him, spurring him to focus intensely on his training with the hope of one day reuniting with her. Under the mentorship of "The Silver Devil" Christopher Sincere Pride, Ceritas's inherent willpower, already strengthened by his childhood adversities, was further honed. Christopher saw in him a natural resilience that he believed could be the foundation for great power.

It wasn't long before Ceritas developed his signature technique, the Silver Pulse, a barrage of mental blasts so potent that they defied human comprehension. This technique became his hallmark, showcasing his extraordinary mental and physical prowess.

Upon completing his training, Ceritas embarked on a quest to find Agledandia, continuously honing his skills along the way. His journey took him across many worlds, following the stories of Agledandia’s exploits. Along his path, he left behind a trail of humbled challengers, each encounter further refining his abilities and reputation as a fearsome warrior.

There are tales that suggest Ceritas once rescued Agledandia from falling into the void during a battle with the Deus in Lostvayne. This story, while debated, adds to the mystique surrounding his adventures and his unwavering dedication to Agledandia.

After hearing about Agledandia's numerous victories, Ceritas chose to seclude himself at the apex of the Lion's Den. His desire for strength drove him to push his abilities beyond their previous limits. This period of intense self-improvement was crucial, as it allowed him to surpass even his own expectations.

Upon his return to Aetherfrost, he found Agledandia under attack from the Deus. Despite the peril, Ceritas approached the situation with a confident smile, ready to save her. However, his heroic attempt was met with a fierce punch from Agledandia, a moment that brought clarity to his feelings for her as he struggled to keep his balance.

This encounter with Agledandia marked a turning point for Ceritas. Realizing his deep feelings for her, he embarked on a journey across various regions, not just to pursue his personal quest, but to help others in need. His growth as a reliable presence on the battlefield earned him respect and recognition, transforming him into a beacon of hope and strength.

When he learned of the Deus Army's plan to destroy the Rhitta Chasm, Ceritas rushed to Agledandia’s side, determined to confess his feelings and stand by her in the face of impending doom.


The true reality/unreality of Ceritas Sinnsaid Piercetrail precedes an unmanifest is/is-not that actualizes a megacosm neither real nor unreal, beyond the world of forms.

These techniques reflect Ceritas Sinnsaid Piercetrail's evolved mastery over the elements of existence, narrative, and reality. Each technique is designed to counter the immense power of a Deus, focusing on annihilating their essence, nullifying their abilities, and rewriting the fabric of reality to exclude them. Ceritas's training and experiences have equipped him with these formidable abilities, making him a powerful adversary capable of challenging even the most supreme beings.

1. Silver Pulse: Suggsvoid

  • Description: An enhanced version of his signature technique, the Silver Pulse. This technique generates a concentrated burst of suggscience subtractive energy that targets the very fabric of existence. The suggsvoid disrupts the fundamental principles of a target, effectively erasing their presence from all planes of reality.
  • Effect: Capable of annihilating the names, terms, and essence of a Deus by unraveling their existence across all narratives, ensuring that they cannot reform or return.

2. Narrative Severance

  • Description: This technique allows Ceritas to sever the narrative threads of his opponent, effectively cutting them off from the flow of the narrative. By isolating a target in an anti-narrative void, he renders them incapable of influencing or interacting with any narrative.
  • Effect: Disables a Deus's ability to manipulate time and space of boundless fold, trapping them in a state of silence where their powers are nullified.

3. Avalon Blade: Void Cleaver

  • Description: A Suggsverse Kagami von Ende blade forged from pure void energy, the Avalon Blade can slice through any ontological form, manifest be-ness, or conceptual existence. The blade is imbued with the essence of ∀iȼissitudəs, making it capable of bypassing any conceptual defenses.
  • Effect: Cleaves through a Deus’s invulnerable defenses, cutting through their omnipotent barriers and directly attacking their core essence.

4. Quantum Collapse

  • Description: Utilizing advanced quantum manipulation, Ceritas can collapse all probabilities and possibilities into a singular point of absolute certainty. This technique forces a Deus into a state where their infinite potentialities are reduced to a single, deterministic outcome.
  • Effect: Strips a Deus of their omnipresence and omnipotence by collapsing their infinite forms into one vulnerable state, making them susceptible to a finishing blow.

5. Reality Reforge: Oblivion Symphony

  • Description: A powerful reality-warping technique where Ceritas rewrites the laws of the Omniverse around his target. By composing an Oblivion Symphony, he orchestrates the deconstruction and reconstruction of reality itself, erasing any trace of his opponent’s existence.
  • Effect: Completely reconstructs reality, excluding the Deus from the rewritten universe. This technique ensures that the Deus cannot return, as they no longer exist within the parameters of the new reality.

6. Eternal Nullification Field

  • Description: Ceritas generates a field of nullifying conceptual energy that extends across all dimensions and realities. This field negates all forms of energy, matter, and metaphysical constructs, rendering any form of power or existence inert.
  • Effect: Nullifies a Deus's abilities, powers, and very existence by creating an environment where no form of manifest phenomena or unmanifest be-ness can sustain itself.

7. Ethereal Chains: Binding of Fate

  • Description: Forged from the threads of destiny itself, these ethereal chains can bind any being, transcending physical and pataphysical realms. Once ensnared, the target's fate is rewritten, stripping them of their powers and autonomy.
  • Effect: Binds a Deus, nullifying their agency, divine will and power, effectively imprisoning them within the chains of fate where they can no longer exert their influence.

8. Cosmic Judgement: The Final Verdict

  • Description: Channeling the collective judgment of ACE to MACHINA, Ceritas delivers a final verdict upon his target. This technique invokes the ultimate authority of the cosmos, passing an irreversible judgment that results in the complete eradication of the target’s essence.
  • Effect: Executes a Deus by invoking the supreme authority of the cosmos, ensuring that their existence is permanently erased from all planes and grand meta-narratives.
Posted by Suggsverse