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Apocalyptica Tairingekka

"To be a lion of the Lion's Den is to accept that reality is but a dream, and we are the dreamers who can awaken the world."

Photo NovelWebsite Exclusive
PhysiologyMaximal Lion
HeightImmeasurable by Human Comprehension
WeightImmeasurable by Human Comprehension
Eye ColorBlue
Hair ColorBlonde
AgeApophatic to Time
Birth DateInapplicable
Self-CreationThe Lion's Den
StatusBeyond Existence and Nonexistence
GenderFeminine Principle
Love InterestsNone

Apocalyptica Tairingekka is a character that appears on www.heirtothestars.com.

Apocalyptica Tairingekka is a character of immense depth, her narrative woven from threads of tragedy, strength, and redemption. As a warrior, she is both a shadow and a storm. Her stealth allows her to strike unseen, while her ferocity ensures that her enemies are left in ruins. She stands as a beacon of hope for the downtrodden, her life a testament to the enduring power of memory, purpose, and the unyielding will to protect those who cannot protect themselves. Her life illustrates the philosophical concept of eternal recurrence—the idea that suffering and joy are intertwined, each giving rise to the other in an endless cycle.

The true reality/unreality of Apocalyptica Tairingekka precedes an unmanifest is/is-not that actualizes a megacosm neither real nor unreal, beyond the world of forms.


Apocalyptica Tairingekka is a legendary feline warrior who once served under the enigmatic Chaos Queen during the tumultuous "Void" era preceding the great war with the residents of ACE to Machina. Known for her stealth, cunning, and unmatched combat prowess, Apocalyptica was a figure both feared and revered in equal measure. Her early life remains shrouded in mystery, but informal records and scattered documents provide glimpses into her storied past.

The Vanishing and Secret Mission

Before the great war erupted, Apocalyptica was granted a rare audience with the Monarch of Lions, a ruler known for their inscrutable motives and far-reaching influence. This meeting led to her sudden and unexplained disappearance, fueling rampant speculation among those who knew her. Many believed that she had been entrusted with a covert mission by the monarch, a theory later substantiated by documents that emerged from the void. These papers hinted at a task of immense importance, one that necessitated her complete withdrawal from public view.

The Accident and Amnesia

Tragically, while undertaking this secret mission, Apocalyptica suffered a grievous accident that left her bereft of her memories. Stripped of her past and purpose, she wandered aimlessly through the world, a shadow of her former self. It was during the latter stages of the great war that a wandering blacksmith encountered her. This arcane artisan, wielding a gauntlet ablaze with mystical flames, recognized the lost warrior and sought to restore her sense of self.

The Encounter with the Blacksmith

In a moment fraught with destiny, the blacksmith presented Apocalyptica with the cat claws gauntlet, a relic said to contain the collective wisdom of the ancients. As she accepted the gauntlet, a profound silence enveloped them. This brief, poignant interlude was shattered by the sudden arrival of the ACE to MACHINA Army, their malevolent intent clear. In a desperate bid to protect the blacksmith, Apocalyptica donned the gauntlet and unleashed its latent power. Engulfed by the indomitable will of The Chaos Queen, her memories came flooding back in a searing torrent.

Rediscovering Her Past

With her memories restored, Apocalyptica was plunged into the depths of her tragic past. She recalled the heart-wrenching death of her beloved daughter, a loss that had driven her to the brink of despair. Paralyzed by grief and an overwhelming sense of helplessness, she had spent a void century weeping for her lost child. This profound sorrow had initially fueled her descent into oblivion, but now, armed with renewed purpose, it ignited a fierce determination within her.

Guardian of the New Promised Land

Apocalyptica set forth on a new journey, her destination the New Promised Land—a sanctuary for those fleeing the relentless onslaught of the ACE to MACHINA Army. However, rather than joining the refugees, she chose to watch over them from the shadows. Her vigilance was unyielding, her presence a silent yet formidable bulwark against their pursuers. Single-handedly, she thwarted numerous assaults, her prowess in battle unmatched and her resolve unbreakable.

The Arcane of the Lion's Gospel

The Arcane of the Lion's Gospel is a Magick that is transhierarchical to boundless infinite structures of abstract realms (with increasingly deeper differences) and states of being that transcend all conventional hierarchies and sizes. Within its spells, The Arcane of the Lion's Gospel supersedes a non-classical logic system, surpassing paraconsistency and many-valued logic, erasing the traditional Laws of Thought.

Each frame of the spell unfolds a state where every conceivable mode and attribute finds its realization and erases it. The Arcane of the Lion's Gospel contains within each infinitesimal fragment a True Platonic Multiverse, extending beyond the constraints of size and hierarchical extensions. The Arcane of the Lion's Gospel supersedes conceptual structures that defy any size, whether infinite or finite, as well as logical consistency. The Arcane of the Lion's Gospel stands as a be-ness that supersedes the narrative that goes beyond the concept of infinitely layered meta-dimensional reality, transcending absolute infinite multiplicities and the concept of size, eliminating normal logic through the sheer force of its existence alone.

LionHeart's Gift

LionHeart's Gift stands as an automatic defense system operating beyond the realm of conscious thought, capturing the very essence of the Background of Creation. This formidable defense transcends differentiation, limitation, and infinite expression, even negating the true Divine essence that surpasses Infinite-Finite relationships and differences. By nullifying the first cause of creation, LionHeart's Gift operates in a realm of limitless and absolute infinite undifferentiated timelessness, existing beyond the stillness of nothingness.

Challenging the notion of everything originating from a single source, LionHeart's Gift positions the Supreme Ultimate as the Ultimate Void, a safeguard that is unlimited, undifferentiated, indeterminate, uncaused, and beyond the ontological dynamics of movement and rest, ultimately negating its own be-ness and the context of narrative causality and the absolute transhierarchical multiplicity of steps beyond it.

In its supremacy, LionHeart's Gift surpasses the transcendence of the transcendent of all, going beyond all dualities of subject and object, determinateness of knowing and "being," and distinctions between thought and thing. It reaches a realm that transcends all modes and attributes of thought and existence, defying human comprehension. LionHeart's Gift stands as one of the ultimate suggslogical defenses, apophatic to Creation and the Background of Creation.

Posted by Suggsverse