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Hexentia Blazebloom

"In the silence between breaths, in the pause before a strike, we find the spaces where reality falters. It is there we assert our dominion."

Photo NovelWebsite Exclusive
PhysiologyMaximal Lion
HeightImmeasurable by Human Comprehension
WeightImmeasurable by Human Comprehension
Eye ColorLight Gray
Hair ColorBlonde
AgeApophatic to Time
Birth DateInapplicable
Self-CreationThe Lion's Den
StatusBeyond Existence and Nonexistence
GenderFeminine Principle
Love InterestsNone

Hexentia Blazebloom is a character that appears on www.heirtothestars.com.

Hexentia Blazebloom is a feline of profound complexity. Her personality is marked by a deep indifference to the superficial struggles for power that define her world. She is introspective and contemplative, seeking to understand the deeper truths of existence rather than engaging in petty conflicts. Her philosophical stance is one of existential detachment, viewing the ceaseless battles for supremacy as ultimately meaningless.

This perspective makes Hexentia a figure of both awe and fear. She is a being who operates on a plane beyond the immediate concerns of power and dominance, driven by a quest for a more profound and meaningful understanding of victory and existence. Her indifference to conventional power structures challenges the very foundation of her world, making her a revolutionary figure in her own right.

The true reality/unreality of Hexentia Blazebloom precedes an unmanifest is/is-not that actualizes a megacosm neither real nor unreal, beyond the world of forms.


Hexentia Blazebloom is a feline shrouded in both mystique and terror, a feline demon who once served under the enigmatic Chaos Queen in the era leading up to the great war with the Deus. Unlike many of her feline peers, Hexentia was not driven by the lust for power, supremacy, or the accolades of conquest. Instead, she walked her own path, indifferent to the opinions and expectations of others, making her a truly unique and enigmatic force within the demon realm.

Born into a world where strength and dominance dictated one's place in the hierarchy, Hexentia's overwhelming destructive power was undeniable. However, her lack of interest in wielding this power for supremacy or conquest set her apart. To Hexentia, the relative opinions of others were meaningless; she found no sense in engaging in the ceaseless battles that preoccupied other demons. This indifference made her seem almost otherworldly, a creature whose motivations and desires were incomprehensible to those around her.

Lifestyle and Philosophy

Hexentia's lifestyle was one of stark simplicity and profound disinterest in the machinations of supremacy. She wandered the realms, unattached and unbothered by the incessant power struggles that consumed her peers. This apathy drew the ire of other demons, who viewed her indifference as an affront to their values. Ironically, it was her disinterest in conflict that provoked many demons to seek her out, challenging her in hopes of proving their own worth.

Despite being a target for these incessant challenges, Hexentia found little meaning in battling her fellow demons. She saw such conflicts as trivial and unworthy of her time. Her wanderings were solitary, and she maintained a low profile, avoiding unnecessary confrontations. Yet, there were moments when her destructive aura would burst forth, engulfing her surroundings in a wave of pure terror, reminding all of the dormant power she possessed.

Legendary Conflict

According to legend, Hexentia had one immortal enemy, a demon whose identity remains unknown. This nemesis was the only being capable of stirring a genuine response from Hexentia. The details of their encounters are sparse, but it is said that Hexentia willingly engaged this adversary with the full intention of securing victory. The battles between them were cataclysmic, obliterating everything and everyone in their vicinity. These confrontations were so intense that no records remain to tell the full story of their rivalry or its conclusion.

In the throes of these epic battles, Hexentia experienced a rare clarity about the nature of victory. Even as she held triumph within her grasp, she grappled with the profound realization of what victory truly meant. This epiphany led to an existential shift within her, altering her perspective on power and conflict.

Post-Legend Existence

Following her final, devastating battle with her sworn enemy, Hexentia's movements became impossible to trace. She is believed to continue her quest for meaningful encounters, seeking adversaries who could provide her with a victory that held true significance. Her desire was no longer for mere conquest but for an understanding of what it meant to be victorious in a deeper, more philosophical sense.

The Arcane of the Lion's Gospel

The Arcane of the Lion's Gospel is a Magick that is transhierarchical to boundless infinite structures of abstract realms (with increasingly deeper differences) and states of being that transcend all conventional hierarchies and sizes. Within its spells, The Arcane of the Lion's Gospel supersedes a non-classical logic system, surpassing paraconsistency and many-valued logic, erasing the traditional Laws of Thought.

Each frame of the spell unfolds a state where every conceivable mode and attribute finds its realization and erases it. The Arcane of the Lion's Gospel contains within each infinitesimal fragment a True Platonic Multiverse, extending beyond the constraints of size and hierarchical extensions. The Arcane of the Lion's Gospel supersedes conceptual structures that defy any size, whether infinite or finite, as well as logical consistency. The Arcane of the Lion's Gospel stands as a be-ness that supersedes the narrative that goes beyond the concept of infinitely layered meta-dimensional reality, transcending absolute infinite multiplicities and the concept of size, eliminating normal logic through the sheer force of its existence alone.

LionHeart's Gift

LionHeart's Gift stands as an automatic defense system operating beyond the realm of conscious thought, capturing the very essence of the Background of Creation. This formidable defense transcends differentiation, limitation, and infinite expression, even negating the true Divine essence that surpasses Infinite-Finite relationships and differences. By nullifying the first cause of creation, LionHeart's Gift operates in a realm of limitless and absolute infinite undifferentiated timelessness, existing beyond the stillness of nothingness.

Challenging the notion of everything originating from a single source, LionHeart's Gift positions the Supreme Ultimate as the Ultimate Void, a safeguard that is unlimited, undifferentiated, indeterminate, uncaused, and beyond the ontological dynamics of movement and rest, ultimately negating its own be-ness and the context of narrative causality and the absolute transhierarchical multiplicity of steps beyond it.

In its supremacy, LionHeart's Gift surpasses the transcendence of the transcendent of all, going beyond all dualities of subject and object, determinateness of knowing and "being," and distinctions between thought and thing. It reaches a realm that transcends all modes and attributes of thought and existence, defying human comprehension. LionHeart's Gift stands as one of the ultimate suggslogical defenses, apophatic to Creation and the Background of Creation.

Posted by Suggsverse