♠The Ace of Spades♠ vs. Alex Victory
This has probably become the most popular question not only in my inbox but in terms of my whole verse.
♠The Ace of Spades♠ vs. "The Former World Champion" Alex Victory
Everything about this fight is dependent on:
- whose Limits of Power are greater?
- whose awareness of the Name of the Game is higher?
- whose Suggspotence is higher?
- Whose Suggs is higher?
- Whose Suggsprinciple is higher?
- Who can touch Ninelie the greatest?
- Whose ☊Andaria♠ is greater?
- Who can maximize the ❦queen-of-gardens❦ the greatest?
- Who can touch Ansho the strongest?
- Whose awareness of the ruby void is greater?
- whose Suggsxiential awareness is the strongest?
- Where they are placed within the existential categories is absolutely irrelevant because of all of the aforementioned. The Limits of Power is the only thing measured within the existential categories.
Pharos of the End II vol. 3 is an example of where I am going with this. The Silver Devil had achieved the title of Ace of Spades, and The Black Monarch was the substitute Ace of Spades. They had both acquired the most important sacred treasures. When it seemed like they had achieved their goal, a Voyager personally appeared and cosmically canon discontinued them from the entire franchise (past, present, future, endless, and beyond), closing their final chapter. She personally appeared before them because while they were vastly inferior to her, what can only be described as being akin to their potential was so vast that they threatened "Beyond the Necessity of Tiers" on a very high scale. Their Suggslogic was so vast, that they could jump from Tier 8 (Low Boundless) to Beyond the Necessity of Tiers (Suggsularity Highend) before the Existential Categories itself could comprehend it.
The aforementioned scenario is expressed throughout Heir to the Stars. This brings me to the actual fight with two competitors.
♠The Ace of Spades♠ can defeat Alex Victory, without Alex Victory actually losing. Alex Victory can fell ♠The Ace of Spades♠, without ♠The Ace of Spades♠ actually being felled. Both will surpass each other before the moment can actualize. Then everything that is dependent on the fight will come into play. They are both beyond the necessity of having to go full strength, but this fight will be inconclusive due to everything the fight is dependent of, which I explained on the top of the page.
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